WPSU Virtual Field Trips WPSU Virtual Field Trips


1Watershed Map

Etchings of a map of rivers in a concrete floor.

The Watershed Map shows how water moves throughout Central Pennsylvania.

Wide shot of a large river curving through a mountain landscape.

All the rain that falls in this area flows through the gap at Bald Eagle Mountain before traveling on to the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.

Close up of water dripping off of a leaf.

Imagine you’re a single drop of water that falls from the sky. What would you land on? A leaf? The ground?

Water running through a wooded area covered with moss.

Those drops of water fall into a stream that runs down a mountain.

Pair of hands washing under a faucet.

Some water ends up in a well that brings water into people’s homes.

Map of the northeast United States.

Some water ends up flowing all the way from Central Pennsylvania to the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.

Old grainy photo of a cluttered industrial park.

Water has also become polluted because of industry leaks and poor environmental practices.

Close up of discarded water bottles and other trash mixed with dirt and water.

Towns and cities also create pollution like sewage and littering that end up in the water.

Close up of water running over asphalt.

Hard surfaces like roads stop water from being absorbed into the ground.

View of campus buildings beyond greenery and a water fountain.

Open spaces have an area where water can flow into the ground.

Field of tall grass with a line of trees in the background.

The Marsh Meadow Preserve is an area where water from the Penn State campus and surrounding neighborhood can filter into the groundwater.

Water pouring from spout onto a contoured map of a river made in cement.

Bring some water to the Watershed Map to see the water’s journey from Central Pennsylvania to the Atlantic Ocean.

Check out the Watershed Resources at the Arboretum for a guide for teaching about watersheds.

Next: Pollinator Garden