WPSU Virtual Field Trip Kits are available through the following Intermediate Unit (IU) Lending Libraries. Kits may be requested by educators in these regions through their individual request systems.
Recycle paper with this paper making kit! This kit includes 4 paper making sets so you can have students rotate through the process. Add flowers, leaves, or other decorative items to create individual art works! Watch this video on how to make paper using the items in the kit.
Kit Includes:
Explore the incredible landscapes and wildlife throughout the 2+ million acres of Pennsylvania Wilds. Have students create their own bridge as they learn about Kinzua Bridge State Park, observe the dark skies of Cherry Spring State Park (use this video to help create a mini classroom planetarium), learn about Elk by reading the story of Elli the Little Pennsylvania Elk, and identify animals throughout the PA region through fish rubbings and track printings of local fish and wildlife.
Kit Includes:
Travel back in time for some fun! Create up to five stations for students to rotate through and play a variety of historical games that are highlighted in the Virtual Field Trip. Games include checkers, catching cups, miniature bowling, solitaire, and ring toss.
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Take this kit with your students to explore the outdoors. Ignite students’ interest in a watershed experience by using this kit to examine bugs on land with help from the bug catchers, and in water by using pipettes and the water trays.
Kit includes:
Discover nature’s phenomena that occur during a year. Have students explore a different phenomenon for each season as they learn about watersheds, pollinators, changing leaves, and winter gardening. This kit includes enough for whole class exploration or stations.
Kit includes:
Encourage students to become storytellers and media makers with the WPSU production kit. Using this mobile photo box students can create stop motion, claymation, or other video projects as well as take professional photos. Get creative by using the different colored background sets and green gloves to add movement to objects without being seen!
Kit includes:
Please contact Sarah Hamilton with any questions, smh7421@psu.edu or complete this inquiry form.