WPSU Virtual Field Trips WPSU Virtual Field Trips


Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center

© Google Maps

This is an overhead map of Shaver's Creek Environmental Center.

Click the icons on the map to tour the different areas of the facility.

Teacher Guide (pdf) Request a Classroom Kit

frog pond

1 Frog Pond

Visit the frog pond and find out why it is an excellent habitat for frogs and other amphibians.


Shaver's Creek Visitor Center

2 Visitor Center

Step inside the Visitor Center and see some of the resident reptiles and get a peak at how the animal care professionals take care of them.


Aviary at Shaver's Creek

3 Aviary

Head out to the raptor center to learn some of the ways the animal care specials take care of the birds that live there.


view down hiking trail at Shaver's Creek

4 Hiking Trails

There are several hiking trails around Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center. Let’s head down a few and see what we might find along the way.


Lake Perez at Shaver's Creek

5 The Lake

Stop by the lake and learn how we can use all our senses to explore the world around us.


view of Shaver's Creek

6 The Creek

At the creek we’ll look for some animals that you probably wouldn’t even notice were there.


Sugar Shack at Shaver's Creek

7 Sugar Shack

Visit the Sugar Shack where sap from Maple trees is turned into syrup.


Garbage Graveyard at Shaver's Creek

8 Garbage Graveyard

Stop by the Garbage Graveyard and you will see just how long it takes for items we throw away every day to decompose.


Thanks for Visiting

Click here for additional resources about Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center and to take a website survey.